Along with millions of other kids around the world, my kids are big Despicable Me fans... Including myself (nothing better than a movie they play repeatedly that doesn't bother me.. and still makes me chuckle!!) So, I made some hats. I started with the basic minions. Then, I received a request from a friend to make one that is more girly. So I made a female minion. Then I had no choice but to make an evil one to complete the set. So here they are! I have them available on my Etsy site at At the moment I do not have the evil one up yet, but I should by the end of today. With these hats, I have had several people order some for the kids.. then come back and order adult sizes for themselves. It has been really fun... especially when I find out how much the kids that receive them love them! They are high quality.. I put my all into every hat I make :)

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