Saturday, December 29, 2012

Patterns Coming Soon!!

Things have been crazy for ALL of us this Christmas season.  And I know we haven't been keeping up to date, BUT It doesn't mean we haven't been plotting and planning for what comes next!

I have some patterns all written out... not yet typed or with pictures, but getting ready to post.  Among those are the children's, woman's, and updated men's versions of this hat:
The super popular Striped Hat.

I have also written a pattern for the popular beard, that goes GREAT with the striped hat above:

I have also designed 2 different types of fun mustaches, the handlebar (as seen above) and the curled up mustache (for the sillier among us).

I made these for my family this year, and it was the BIG HIT!  It was amazing to me that something so simple could bring so much laughter and fun.  It was great.

These patterns will all be posted no later than the end of next week.

Happy Crocheting!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Pattern Review/Tutorial: Red Heart Holly Stocking

Cat sent me this pattern a while ago and I've been wanting and wanting to make a stocking. But I just never seemed to find the time. Well with Christmas looming up so fast I knew I really had to get it in gear and get this done. Then it took me almost a week to get this post written, sigh. But at least I'm doing it now right? Lol. 

Anyway, I wanted to share with you how it worked out with this pattern. I really did like it as written and how the finished product came out. Mine doesn't look quite as nice as theirs, but hey this was my first time making it. Plus they probably have made a lot of them and have a ton more experience than I do. So I'm pretty happy with the end result.

You can find the pattern at Red Heart here.

Pros about this pattern: First of all it was free. It turned out really cute, and it was written very well. 

Cons: I didn't really have anything I didn't like about it. I did have a couple of spots where I had to read over the pattern a couple of times and then do it before I got it right, but that's how it is with anything new.

This was the first time for me to make a stocking. I've never done socks, booties, etc and so I haven't done heels.

First off the pattern has you make the white cuff. Now I got so focused and was trying to get it done that I forgot to put the edging on, so I had to go back and do that. I didn't realize it until I was trying to attach it to the stocking. : ) It was easy enough to fix though so it was ok.

Next I started on the body. It was so easy. It's just a bunch of sc rows. The part I didn't like was that it had me do a specific number of inches (10") and I prefer number of rows. Only because I have to have a tape measure handy in order to measure it instead of just being able to count. But it was pretty easy to do. 

Once that part was done you fasten off and change colors to green for the heel. This part was easy enough to understand for me, it just seems a little weird. You skip most of the stitches and then attach and sc in the last 10 st. Then you bring the other side of the stocking leg around and sc in the first 10 st. This connects the stocking leg together so you can crochet the heel. The weird part is having the two edges not connected. I just wonder why not just do a circle (like in a hat) instead of having to sew the edges. I don't have an answer to that so if anyone knows just let me know. : )

Here's a picture of the heel done. In the picture you can see the opening where the heel stitches have brought the edges together.

Once the heel is done you get to move onto the foot. This is where I had to think it through to make sure I got it right because if you haven't done it before it can just bee confusing.

 You can see here the pieces of the heel are brought together. You actually attach your yarn in the middle of the heel and then attach it to the leg portion. You skip the st where the heel st is attached. This keeps it from bulking up. The pattern says "skip row ends of heel". That might or might not be clearer but the picture explains it better than anything else.

Here is the other side. You can see where I started on the heel, connected the heel to the leg, and crocheted around the leg. You connect the heel to the leg by crocheting in the first st, then finish the row. You don't join the st, you turn every row until you have 5". There's that measurement again. ; )

Almost done! The toe was really easy, I've done a lot of increasing/decreasing so this was  piece of cake.

Just stitch all the edges together and attach the cuff. The leaves had to be the second hardest part about this pattern. I just kept looking at them wrong and so I couldn't figure out how it was going to turn out right. I kept looking at the base of the leaf and thinking it was supposed to be the point so I couldn't see what I was doing wrong (even though I was doing it completely right!) It finally clicked and then it went smoothly. The berries were really easy, watch out though. I pulled too hard on the yarn when I was pulling them into the ball shape and it broke. So go nice and easy, smoothly pull the yarn and it should be fine.

Voila the finished product! I think it turned out really cute. What do you think? Have you made anything fun for the holidays this year? Any gifts or decorations? We'd love to see pictures of the things you've made and share your story too.

We hope you have a great holiday season!! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Snowman & Snowgirl

Here are my final snowmen.  Once again, I used some other pattern ideas, and then some of my own.  My own is specifically the mouth.  I did a bunch of French Knots to make the mouth.

Snowman and Snow Woman Hats

If you would like to make your own, please check out these patterns:

A Chick w/ Sticks
Repeat Crafter Me

If you would like to buy one of these hats they are $25 each OR $48 for two.

My Etsy links:


Adult Versions ($28)


Gingerbread Boy & Girl

After searching the internet for ideas, I finally came up with a Gingerbread Boy & Girl that I like.  Some of it is just me, and then some of the other ideas come from about 3 other patterns that you can find online.

The Gingerbread Hats

Here are a couple pattern ideas if you want to make one of your own:

A Chick w/ Sticks
Repeat Crafter Me

If you would like to purchase one of these hats (Newborn - child sizes only), they are $25 each or two for $48.

Links to my Etsy listings:

Gingerbread Boy
Gingerbread Girl
Both Hats Together

Adult Sizes link ($28)


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Men's Striped Beanie Pattern FREE

As promised, here it is!  I hope you all enjoy making it as much as I do!  Note:  I did promise you the woman's pattern too, and I have it all written up, just not typed and no pictures, but I will get it up this week, I PROMISE! Also, I just want to give a huge thanks for your support!  Please keep spreading the word about our blog.  The more traffic we get the more FREE stuff we can offer. Thanks again!


· I hook (hat body) and H hook (bottom rim)

· 4 colors of Worsted, Med yarn. (I used Vanna’s choice Sapphire, Chocolate, Mustard, and Olive)

Special stitch: 
This diagram shows where the horizontal bar (or diagonal looking stitch) is located (on WRONG SIDE of rnd):

Ch4, ss to 1st ch to form loop (or do a magic circle), ch 2.

Rnd 1: With color #1: Work 12 hdc into loop. Join with ss to back horizontal bar (or diagonal loop -- that's what it looks like to me!) behind beginning (you will do this through the whole pattern! See special stitch picture above) ch 1. Change to color #2. (12) ch 1

Rnd 2: Work 2 hdc in same st as joining (always do this at the beginning of each row). 2 hdc in each back diagonal st around. This will make the stripes stand out, so remember to always do it throughout pattern. Join & change to color #3. (24) ch 1

Rnd 3: 2 hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 2 st. * 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 2 st. Repeat from *. Join & change to color # 4. (32) ch 1.

Rnd 4: 2 hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 4 st. * 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 4 st. Repeat from *. Join & change to color # 1. (39) ch 1.

Rnd 5: 2 hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 6 st. * 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 6 st. Repeat from *. Join & change to color # 2. (45) ch 1.

Rnd 6: 2 hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 6 st. * 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 6 st. Repeat from *. Join & change to color # 3. (52) ch 1.

Rnd 7: 2 hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 7 st. * 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 7 st. Repeat from *. Join & change to color # 4. (59) ch 1.

Rnd 8: 2 hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 8 st. * 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 8 st. Repeat from *. Join & change to color # 3. (66) ch 1.

Rnd 9-20: hdc around (66). (Note: always feel free to make the hat shorter or longer by taking out rows or adding them)

Rnd 21: With H hook: sc in back diagonal loops around.

Rnd 22-23: sc around in each sc stitch.

Fasten and finish off. 

That's it!  Let me know if you have any questions!


UPDATE 3/11/2013

I have redesigned this pattern AND added child and women sizes!!!!  Here is the link!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Great Christmas Crochet Patterns FREE

I am so excited for the Christmas season this year!  I don't know if it has to do with living in a new home, and having plenty of places to decorate, or the fact that my kids are at an age where Christmas is simply magical!

Since our previous posts pointing you all towards some fun seasonal patterns out there on the web seemed to be pretty popular, I thought I would mention some fun Christmas and Winter ones as well. (All titles and pictures are linked to the appropriate site for credit)

(I think this can be easily adjusted to bigger sizes as well)
(Can be used as finger puppets)
All the patterns are at this link, you just have to scroll down the blog half way to find the download links.

Click on the link above to see how cute it is on a baby!!

Happy Crocheting!!

If you like this post and others that we put together, please like us on Facebook or follow this blog.  Thanks!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fishing for Followers

UPDATE:  I have changed my mind, I will post this pattern when we get 150 likes on Facebook (22 more to go!) OR we get 80 new followers on here.  I really want to post this ASAP, but we really need to get the feeds up on our site.

Okay, I have this pattern all written up, for Men's size AND Women's size!
Not only is it easy to make, I took some pictures to give you step by step guides, but they are quick projects that would make FANTASTIC Christmas gifts!

But as I was thinking of posting it to share for free, which I still plan to do, I thought about making a game of it.  Here it is:

I will post these patterns for FREE use, IF we can reach 100 followers on this page OR 200 likes on Facebook, whichever we get first! (Please see update at the top)

So spread the word!!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Winner of the Owl Hat!!!

And the Owl Hat goes to... (thanks to


Congratulations! Please get the size and colors you want and your shipping info to me so I can get it made and to you ASAP!
Thank you everyone for your entries and your help! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Owl Hat Give Away!

Hi, I (Amy) am going to be giving away a cute owl hat!  It is the one I have made the most this season. It will be made to order, so when you win it, let me know what size and colors you want! I can even do it in boy colors (navy blue, greens, gray. etc)  and leave off the flower.

To win this hat

  • Leave a comment on here telling us what you would like to see more of on this blog.  Examples: giveaways, tutorials, free patterns, pattern reviews, etc.
Other Entries (Optional): (Leave a separate comment for each entry that you do please!  Each comment = 1 entry)
  • Become a follower of this blog. (If you already are one, still leave us comment and let us know!)
  • Like us on Facebook (Again, if you already do, still leave us a comment and let us know!)
  • Follow us on Twitter (Same as above if you already do)
  • Blog about this giveaway.
  • Share this giveaway on Facebook.
  • Tweet about this giveaway.
  • "Pin" this giveaway.
  • Check out My Etsy page  and come back and leave us a comment on your favorite hat I have posted there.  I know I don't have much right now... I am working on it.  I am planning to get a men's beanie and a woman's hat and headband.
Contest ends Friday November 16th at 11:59 pm.  Winner will be announced on Saturday.  I will get your hat mailed to before Thanksgiving.  Have fun and good luck!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cable and Puff Stitch E-Reader Tutorial

I've been thinking about what I could do a tutorial about. About two weeks ago Cat challenged Amy and I to come up with our own e-reader designs and so I decided that I would multi-task. I love to multi-task and get a lot of things done at once. So I decided that I would make my e-reader and use a stitch that I could do a tutorial about.

So the first thing I did was decide what stitch to use. I really like the cable stitch, as evidenced by creating my own pattern for a newborn hat. You can see my blog post about it here and at my Etsy shop here. I also did a cable pattern review here and Cat shared the puff stitch instructions in her Pumpkin Hat pattern here. Another major reason I chose the cable stitch was because it would make a cushion for extra protection for an e-reader.

To start out with I just made a chain the width I wanted for the e-reader cover. I made sure it was divisible by four order to have symmetry in my design. I ended up with 22 st in my chain. The first dc goes into the third st from the hook. For my pattern I did *four double crochet (dc), four post stitches, repeat *, and four dc. The post stitches varied between back post double crochet (bpdc) and front post treble crochet (fptc) depending on which side you were on.

**Note you will want to have the cable pattern handy to be able to make this cozy cover and have your cables turn out the same. Use only steps 1-3. Steps 2-3 repeat for the cables (only with the extra cable and 4 dc thrown in).**

Here is a picture of the first several rows:

I used my kindle for my pattern size but I made it bigger so that if you were to have a larger e-reader or had one in a different case it could just slip in too.

In this design I wanted to be able to make a long strip and fold it over to make the pocket for the e-reader. Because of the cable stitch adding cushion, by folding it over you have that cushion protection on the front and back. Once I had it long enough I changed the pattern so it would fold easier. To make it more clear I've separated each row.

1. I did a row with the back post dc (bpdc) just like normal.
2. On the next row I did: 4 dc, 4 fpdc (front post double crochet), 4 dc, 4 fpdc, 4 dc; turn ch 2.
3. Sc (single crochet) 20 st
4. Dc (double crochet) 20 st
5. Normal bpdc row.
6. Continue on with the cables.

It is hard to see it in this picture (I thought I got a better picture but it didn't turn out like I thought it would)  but the gap in the cables is this change in pattern. This part will be the bottom of the cover.

Here it is the almost finished. When I reached the point where it would fold in half and be equal in length I added another section with a different pattern and then continues on with more of the normal cable stitch pattern. This part was to fold over and I added a button loop.

Folded up:

I had been thinking how I was going to sew the sides together and almost from the start I thought of the puff stitch. I actually have never used it before (I'm still branching out and learning new stitches) and so I wondered how it would look on the sides.

What do you think?

I thought it turned out really cute. : )

Now I went from the top to the bottom this time so that the puff stitches would match. They look different from the front side to the back side so you want to keep it the same. I attached the yarn with a ss and did a sc in the same stitch. My pattern is as follows: *puff st, sc in the next two st. Repeat from *. Pretty easy huh. I started at the bottom fold and worked my way up. I then smoothed out the cover so I knew where to start for the other side.

I also added some red edging around the button loop.

And the final product...

I really enjoyed making this cover. It was so much fun to make something new and to have a puzzle to solve. I liked the colors too. I picked white hoping it would make the cables show up better and I had to have red. It is almost Christmas after all. : ) Have you made anything new? What's your favorite creation you have made? We'd love to hear from you and you can send pics too!


Cable Stitch Pattern Review

I'm excited to do this pattern review, it was fun to learn how to use this stitch and then have fun with it.

Cat led me to this pattern for crocheting cables. It's at They have a ton of information available on their website, this pattern is one of many things you can find there.

This is actually a good pattern. But if you don't know what a post stitch is then it makes it hard to do this pattern. Now don't get discouraged and think, "well that's that, I can't do this," because before I had ever seen this pattern I had never done any type of post stitches. So if I can do it, so can you!

This pattern also includes double crochet and treble crochet stitches. Those tutorials will be up soon so I'm not going to go into those here. Now for the front and back post stitches. I could not see what the pattern was trying to tell me to do so I went to YouTube. I LOVE YouTube! It is amazing the information and tutorials you can find there. Just tonight my husband was looking up taffy and gummy bear making. So you can find most anything on YouTube and there are TONS of videos on crocheting. You can type in anything and you will find several videos. Sorry I'll stop going off on a tangent. : ) I found a great video that shows you how to do the front and back post stitches. It is located here.

This pattern comes with full color pictures and everything, but I just couldn't get it, so that's why I went to YouTube. Now you might learn differently or pick up on things faster and this tutorial will be wonderful for you, I had to have a video. And that's ok. We all learn differently and need to absorb information in different ways. That's why there are so many different videos, blogs, Pinterst pins about many of the same things. You just have to find what works for you.

Now as to the changes I made with this pattern, I left out Step #5 and just did 1-4 and repeated until the end. This is the pattern I altered as the base for my newborn cable hat. Here is another picture of what I've done with it.

You can check out my full E-Reader tutorial here.

This was a fun pattern and is very versatile. I would just play with it and have fun. You can make so many different things with it.

Do you have any things you've made with the cable stitch? Have you done any front/back post stitching, maybe to make some ribbing? Share some pictures of what you've made, we'd love to see them!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall and Thanksgiving FREE Crochet Patterns!

Since we seem to have lots of interest in our FREE pattern posts, we wanted to do a Fall and Thanksgiving one too.  Although we didn't make these, we love to point our friends in the right directions!

So here are some of the best ones I have found:

Crochet Turkey Coasters and Ornaments
Pattern found on their site here!

Fall Leaves
By Linda Permann of

Autumn Leaves Belt
by Better Homes and Gardens

Fun Fall Slippers
by Goodknits

Lizzie Slippers
by Goodknits

Puffy Slouch Hat
by AllCraftsBlogs

Don't forget our own patterns here:

Newborn Pumpkin Hat
by Cat

Super Hero Masks
by Cat

Candy Corn Hat for Toddlers and Children
by Cat

Hope these give you some great ideas!!!

Happy Crocheting!
